Take control of your business with proactive, strategic growth planning

Ever feel like business is happening to you?

Like you’re constantly reacting to your circumstances in a slight panic, guessing what to do next, or feeling like your only plan is to simply try and hope?

Do you find yourself unsure if you’re focusing on the “right” things to grow your business?

What if you had a solid plan so you could…

  • focus your energy on moving the business forward instead of second guessing yourself all the time?

  • have the confidence that the numbers make sense, are doable, and you are actively building toward your goals and desired business?

  • predict for inevitable dips so that when they happen, you know it’s not the end of the world?

  • know whether you’re on track or not and respond strategically to the dips you didn’t see coming?

If there’s one thing we’ve learned in the online business world, it’s that nobody can give you the Magical Blueprint for Success, but you know what’s even better than outsourcing your decision making to someone else’s framework?

Building the skills and learning the tools to create your own growth plan and make your own strategic decisions.

Hi, I’m Brooke Monaghan (she/her)

Business coach & founder of Fruition Growth Network

I work with online, service based business owners with strong values, a desire to make a difference, and the goal of making a comfortable income while doing what they love.

That was always my goal, too, and in 2012 I graduated from business school with a degree in entrepreneurial management and spent the next 7 years bouncing around different management roles before starting my consulting (and later, coaching) business. I’ve been working for myself full time since 2019.

My business education, management experience, years of working for myself full time, and business coaching experience have all taught me one fundamental lesson:

Having an actual plan and regularly tracking results is a non negotiable if you want to start making truly strategic business decisions. Otherwise, you’re only left to make decisions based on feelings.

And while that might seem obvious, I watch folks avoid planning, forecasting, and tracking because it brings up discomfort and fear. But I promise you, avoiding your numbers and strategic plans creates so much more fear and discomfort than it is saving you.

Tangible growth plans and forecasts create an opportunity for you to make strategic decisions, stop leaving your future business up to chance, and build your confidence as a business owner.

Welcome to BLOOM

The planning and strategy club for online, lifestyle business owners ready to take control of their work, build their business acumen, and actively prioritize leadership of their business.

Here’s what we’ll do together in BLOOM

Quarterly planning workshop

Next workshop: June 5 | 10am-1pm PST / 1pm-4pm EST

We kick off each quarter with a 3 hour planning session to establish:

  • Your quarterly marketing calendar

  • Income goals and projections for the quarter

  • Projects, habits, and tasks you will execute through the quarter to move toward your goals

  • Your tracking system

2 Monthly tracking meetings

Next meetings: Tuesdays July 2 & August 6 | 10-11:30a PST / 1-2:30pm EST

Each month we will check on progress by tracking data, evaluating if you’re on track, and identifying what is working and what needs adjusting.

2 business foundations workshops/quarter

Facilitated by Brooke | Next scheduled workshops are on Business models & pricing and Messaging

We will soon be announcing TEND, a twice monthly foundational workshop series inside Fruition Growth Network. BLOOM members have access to all tend events. Learn foundational skills and knowledge that you can integrate into your strategic decision making.

The investment


May be paid upfront or in 3 monthly payments of $75

I was feeling stuck, overwhelmed and discouraged by where I was at. Putting a lot of pressure on myself to "get it right" and find THE answer that was going to move things forward. The biggest shift is that I've reframed how I approach my business. Instead of feeling frustrated, I feel excited to experiment and see what works. I also feel so much clearer about what I want to talk about and focus on and to structure things so it fits together more naturally.

If you’ve ever felt unsure of your skills as a ‘business person’ this is the place for you.

Many of us have been conditioned to think that we “aren’t good with” numbers, money, or the business side of our work.

That is ridiculous.

Like with any skill, strategic planning and business leadership aren’t abilities you’re born with. They’re things you learn and get better at with practice. And learning new things is actually really emotionally challenging - especially when you’ve been led to believe you won’t be able to do it.

BLOOM is a place to practice in a welcoming, friendly, supportive environment where we believe everyone can build their business acumen.

Working with Brooke has allowed me to develop my skills and confidence as a leader. With her support I've learned to notice when I'm experiencing these feelings and am now able to utilize the tools she's taught me to move forward with greater confidence and self-assurance.


  • Lifestyle businesses are businesses that are designed to support your life rather than one that is set up to achieve massive scale or bring a brand new product to market.

    If your primary goals are to make enough money to live a comfortable lifestyle while having an impact, you will fit right in.

  • BLOOM is planned to run year round with enrollment opening quarterly.. You can join for a single quarter or keep coming back. Your enrollment covers 1 quarter or 3 months.

  • The next planning workshops (and enrollment deadlines) will be September 4, 2024, and December 4, 2024.

  • Yes, all of our meetings and workshops will be captioned and recorded so you can catch up if you aren’t able to attend live.

  • TEND workshops will cost $25-85 on a sliding scale when purchased individually. You can compare prices of all of our support options here.

  • In that case, I recommend you either join our group coaching program FRUIT for regular individulized support or that you book a 1-off coaching session as needed. You can compare support options and pricing here.

All of the events you will have access to when you join us by June 5

BLOOM with us

Our first quarter together kicks off June 5 and there is a seat with your name on it